

How to Make Your House Smell Good

How to Make Your House Smell Good

Alright, listen up! Your house smelling good isn’t just about spritzing some fancy spray and calling it a day. We New Yorkers know that a fresh-smelling home sets the vibe—and if you’re inviting people over, especially in a small city apartment, the smell can make or break the place. So, if you want to avoid your pad smelling like last week’s pizza slice, I got you. Let’s dive into some real ways to keep your house smelling fresh, from some old-school tricks to modern solutions.

What’s That Smell? Nose Blindness is Real

First things first, let’s talk about the elephant in the room—nose blindness. You know what I’m talking about, when you get used to a smell, and bam! You don’t even notice it anymore. Your house could be smelling like a garbage truck, but you won’t know because you’re living in it. The key here is to stay ahead of the game before things get too funky.

Open the Windows

I don’t care if it’s freezing outside, crack open those windows! Fresh air is the cheapest and most effective way to make your house smell good. If you can get a cross breeze going, even better! Trust me, it’ll do wonders for lifting the mood in your home, and it’ll flush out all those lingering odors.

Activated Charcoal Bags

Now, if you’re really serious about neutralizing smells (and not just covering them up), throw in some activated charcoal bags. These babies absorb odors and are perfect for rooms like the bathroom or kitchen​.

How Do I Keep My Kitchen Smelling Fresh?

That lingering odor from last night’s garlic pasta? Let’s tackle that.

Look, your kitchen is the heart of your home, and it’s also where the worst smells come from—burnt food, garbage, or maybe that leftover Chinese takeout. Here’s what you can do:

  • Simmer a Pot of Citrus and Herbs
    Fill a pot with water, throw in some sliced oranges, lemons, rosemary, or cinnamon sticks. Let that baby simmer and watch your home fill with a natural, fresh scent. You can switch it up depending on the season (citrus for summer, cinnamon for fall).
  • Fridge Funk? Baking Soda to the Rescue
    Leave an open box of baking soda in the fridge. Trust me, it absorbs all those odors. And here’s a bonus—next time you change the box, sprinkle some of that baking soda in the bottom of your trash can to keep that smelling fresh too​.

The Living Room: Your Sanctuary

The living room needs to smell welcoming, but not overpowering. It’s all about balance.

  • Essential Oil Diffusers
    Pick up a diffuser and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. My top picks? Lavender, eucalyptus, or even something a little spicy like sandalwood. It keeps the scent subtle and spreads it evenly throughout the room​.
  • Fresh Plants
    Another cool trick is to bring some nature indoors. Fresh plants like eucalyptus and lavender can purify the air and add a pleasant aroma to your space. Plus, it’s good for your mood and makes your place look stylish. Win-win​.

Handle That Bathroom Like a Pro

No one likes walking into a bathroom and catching a whiff of something not-so-pleasant. And let’s be real, bathrooms can get gross fast.

  • DIY Air Fresheners
    Here’s an easy DIY trick: Grab a jar and fill it with baking soda, then add about 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Pop that baby near the sink, and it’ll keep the air fresh without any harsh chemicals​.
  • Lemon Power
    A couple of cut lemons placed in a dish around the bathroom works wonders for keeping things lemony fresh. Just remember to swap them out every few days​.

The Bedroom—Create a Relaxing Sanctuary

If your bedroom smells off, it can seriously mess with your vibe, right?

  • Scented Linen Spray
    Mix up a little spray with water, a splash of vodka, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Spritz it on your linens before bed for a calm, inviting smell. You’ll sleep like a baby, I swear​.
  • Vacuum Freshener
    Next time you vacuum, toss in a cotton ball soaked in your favorite essential oil into the vacuum bag. The scent will diffuse throughout the room while you clean​.

Pro Tips for Keeping Your Whole House Smelling Good

Keeping your house smelling amazing isn’t just about one room. You gotta tackle the whole house, my friend. Here are a few more tricks of the trade:

  • Keep the Garbage Under Control
    This one is basic, but a game-changer. Clean the inside of your garbage bin, and don’t forget to replace the liner frequently. For extra freshness, sprinkle baking soda or borax at the bottom​.
  • Use Scent Boosters Around the House
    Scent boosters aren’t just for laundry! Put some in small mesh bags and hide them in closets or under furniture. It’s an easy hack to keep your whole house smelling fresh.


When it comes down to it, making your house smell good isn’t rocket science, but it does take some effort. Whether you’re simmering a pot of citrus or using essential oils, staying on top of odors makes all the difference. And hey, if your house smells amazing, everything just feels better.

If you’re thinking of taking your home improvement game to the next level, America Green Builders has got your back. Whether you’re converting your garage into living space or need ideas for a beautiful bathroom backsplash, we’ve got the know-how to not only improve the look of your space but make it smell fresh too.

Ready to elevate your space? Contact America Green Builders today for expert advice and services that’ll transform your home into a fresh-smelling sanctuary.

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