

How to Remove Wallpaper

How to Remove Wallpaper

So, you’ve finally decided to ditch that outdated wallpaper. Maybe it’s been staring you down every time you walk into the room, reminding you of your grandma’s old apartment. Or maybe, just maybe, you’re ready to give your space a fresh, modern vibe. Removing wallpaper? It’s not exactly a walk in Central Park, but hey, you’re a New Yorker. We do things the hard way because the easy way just doesn’t have the same flavor.

How to Remove Wallpaper

First things first. You need to know what you’re dealing with. Not all wallpapers are created equal. Some peel off like they’ve been waiting for you to remove them, while others cling to your walls like they’re protecting the crown jewels. Grab a corner and try to peel it off. If it comes off easily, you’re in luck. If not, well, you might have to roll up your sleeves and put in a little more elbow grease.

Tools You’ll Need

Here’s your basic toolkit for getting that wallpaper off your walls:

  • Wallpaper scoring tool
  • Spray bottle
  • Wallpaper removal solution or white vinegar
  • Plastic scraper or putty knife
  • Drop cloths or old sheets
  • Sponges and rags
  • Bucket of warm water
  • Steamer (optional but recommended)
  • Patience (definitely required)

The Step-by-Step Process

Let’s break this down into bite-sized steps, just like you would approach a pizza pie.

1. Prepare Your Space

You don’t want to ruin your floors or furniture, so lay down drop cloths and move anything that could get in the way. If you’re working on a big space, it might feel like you’re prepping for a demolition job. But don’t worry, this is all part of the plan.

2. Score the Wallpaper

Using a wallpaper scoring tool, make small perforations in the wallpaper. This will allow the removal solution to seep behind the wallpaper and loosen the adhesive. The more scores you make, the better the solution will penetrate. But don’t go too wild. You don’t want to damage the wall beneath.

3. Apply the Removal Solution

Fill your spray bottle with either a store-bought wallpaper removal solution or a homemade mix of warm water and white vinegar. Spray this generously over the wallpaper, focusing on the sections you’ve scored. Let it soak in for about 15 minutes. This is the part where you might want to grab a coffee and give the solution time to work its magic.

4. Start Scraping

Once the wallpaper is saturated, grab your scraper or putty knife and start peeling it off. Start at a seam or a corner and work your way down. If you’re lucky, big sections will come off at once. If not, you might need to spray a bit more solution and keep scraping. Remember, slow and steady wins this race.

5. Repeat If Necessary

Some wallpapers are stubborn. They don’t want to leave, even when they’ve overstayed their welcome. If there are still bits clinging to the wall, spray and scrape again. It’s all about persistence.

6. Clean the Walls

After you’ve removed all the wallpaper, your walls will need a good cleaning to remove any leftover adhesive. Wipe them down with a sponge and warm water, making sure to remove all residue. This is crucial if you’re planning to paint or apply new wallpaper.

7. Repair and Prep for the Next Step

Once your walls are clean and dry, check for any damage. If you’ve accidentally gouged the wall (it happens), you’ll need to patch and sand those areas before you move on to painting or whatever’s next on your renovation list.

Removing Wallpaper Tools and Their Purpose

Tool Purpose
Wallpaper Scoring Tool Perforates the wallpaper to allow solution penetration.
Spray Bottle Applies wallpaper removal solution evenly across the wallpaper surface.
Wallpaper Removal Solution or White Vinegar Loosens the adhesive, making it easier to scrape off the wallpaper.
Plastic Scraper or Putty Knife Used to peel off the wallpaper without damaging the wall beneath.
Drop Cloths Protects floors and furniture from debris and moisture.
Sponges and Rags Cleans the wall of any remaining adhesive after the wallpaper is removed.
Steamer (Optional) Uses steam to soften the adhesive, especially effective on stubborn wallpaper.
Bucket of Warm Water Used with sponges for cleaning and diluting solutions.

In-Depth Questions About Wallpaper Removal

1. Why Is My Wallpaper So Difficult to Remove?

Not all wallpapers are designed the same. If your wallpaper is a traditional type, applied with heavy-duty adhesive, or if it’s been up for decades, you might be dealing with a more challenging removal process. The material of the wallpaper and the type of adhesive used can both play a role. Some older wallpapers also have multiple layers, and the adhesive can get stronger over time. If you’ve tried the steps mentioned above and the wallpaper still isn’t budging, consider using a steamer to soften the glue further or even consulting a professional.

2. Can I Paint Over Wallpaper Instead of Removing It?

Painting over wallpaper is tempting, especially when the removal process feels like it’s never going to end. However, this can be a risky move. If the wallpaper is in good condition, and you’re sure it’s adhered firmly to the wall, it might be possible to paint over it. But if there are any loose areas, bubbles, or damage, painting over it will only cause more problems down the line. The paint could cause the wallpaper to peel or bubble, leaving you with an even bigger mess. It’s generally better to remove the wallpaper first, even if it feels like a long road.

3. What Should I Do if the Wallpaper Damages the Wall Beneath?

If your wallpaper removal efforts leave the wall with gouges, scratches, or other damage, don’t panic. This happens more often than you’d think. The first step is to smooth out the surface with a good sanding. After that, use a joint compound to fill in any holes or imperfections. Once the compound is dry, sand it down again until the wall is smooth. Finally, apply a coat of primer before moving on to paint or new wallpaper. It’s a bit of extra work, but it’s worth it for a flawless finish.

4. How Can I Avoid Wallpaper Removal Disasters in the Future?

When it comes to wallpaper, choosing the right type can save you a lot of hassle in the future. If you plan to redecorate often, consider using removable wallpaper or peel-and-stick options. These are much easier to take down when the time comes. If you opt for traditional wallpaper, make sure it’s installed properly, with the right adhesive and techniques. This can make all the difference when it’s time to remove it. And hey, if you’re not sure, you can always consult professionals like America Green Builders, who have seen it all and can help you make the best choices.

Why Choose America Green Builders?

At America Green Builders, we know a thing or two about home improvement. Whether you’re dealing with wallpaper removal or planning a full-blown renovation, we’ve got the expertise to make your vision a reality. If you’re thinking about converting your garage into living space, or perhaps you’re curious about how much it costs to build a house in Los Angeles, we’ve got you covered.


Removing wallpaper isn’t for the faint of heart, but as with anything else, preparation and persistence are key. Once you’ve tackled the removal, you’ll have a fresh canvas ready for whatever new look you have in mind. Whether you’re planning to paint, apply new wallpaper, or even convert your garage into a living space, the hard work you put into removing that old wallpaper will pay off.

So, if you find yourself standing in front of a wall that seems to be clinging to the past, take a deep breath and dive in. Remember, you can always count on America Green Builders for advice or even a helping hand. The next time you’re considering a major renovation, keep us in mind. We’re here to make your dream space a reality, with all the grit and determination a New Yorker could want. Ready to start your next project? Contact us today and let’s get to work.

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